Bringing Your Creative Visions to Life with Star Avenue Studios Set Construction

At Star Avenue Studios, we understand that the foundation of any great film or photography project lies in its set. It's not just about the space; it's about transforming that space into a world that tells a story. That's why we're proud to offer comprehensive set construction services designed to bring your creative visions to life.

Our mission is to provide affordable access to studio space and custom-built sets for independent and emerging filmmakers.

Crafting Worlds from Concept to Reality

Our set construction team specialises in turning ideas into tangible realities. Whether you're looking to recreate a cozy living room, a bustling hospital, or a fantastical castle, our skilled craftspersons and designers work closely with you to ensure every detail aligns with your vision.

Why Choose Star Avenue Studios for Set Construction?

  • Expertise: Our team brings years of experience in set design and construction, ensuring high-quality builds.

  • Affordable: Our wide selection of pre-made door frames, windows, and wall panels comes in various sizes and shapes, enabling you to save money on construction costs.

  • Customisation: We offer fully customised set construction services. You dream it; we build it.

  • Convenience: Located within Star Avenue Studios, our set construction services streamline your production process, allowing for seamless transitions from build to shoot.

Featured Projects

We've had the privilege of constructing sets for a variety of projects, ranging from independent short films to major commercial shoots. Each project presented unique challenges and opportunities for creative problem-solving. Here are a few highlights:

Panasonic's Sound Slayers (Commerical)

The team at KITHER Co. assigned us to create a bedroom suitable for gamers. We had a tight deadline as we received approval from Panasonic just a week before the shoot. To meet the production team's design requests, we had to build five new, larger panels. We had only four hours on-site to build the set, so the production team could pre-light for the following day.

At the Mercy (Film)

Creating a complete farmhouse set in the early 2000s was a challenging project that required careful planning to ensure that the set fit the size of Studio A. It was important to give the production team the flexibility to shoot the coverage they needed. Filming on a set allowed the filmmakers to capture shots at dusk, nighttime, and dawn within an 8-hour working day. This also eliminated the need to track the sun's movement throughout the day. 

After filming on the farmhouse set for two days, the team had to quickly dismantle it to construct a farm shed to be ready for filming two days later. They used polystyrene foam sheeting to create a wall that resembled Besser Blocks.

Let's Build Together

Ready to bring your creative vision to life with a custom set? Contact us at Star Avenue Studios to discuss your project needs and how we can support your next production. 

Our team is excited to collaborate with you and create something truly spectacular.


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